Results for 'O. Dentici Andreani'

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  1.  57
    Tecendo as redes de apoio na prematuridade.Grace Andreani, Zaira Aparecida O. Custódio & Maria Aparecida Crepaldi - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 24:115-126.
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    Anatomie politique de l'horreur.Monia Andreani - 2008 - Rue Descartes 62 (4):109.
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    Bourdieu au-delà et en deçà de Marx: Autour de Pierre Bourdieu.Tony Andréani - 1996 - Actuel Marx 20:47-63.
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    Cittadinanza biologica e individualismo solidale. Tra "No Vax" e caregiving con persone inguaribili.Monia Andreani - 2018 - Società Degli Individui 60:88-102.
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  5. Distribuzione di elementi traccia (Zn, Cu, Fe, Cd) in tessuti di uccelli selvatici della laguna di Venezia e delle ville del Quaderno.G. Andreani, E. Carpené, R. Serra, M. Kinde, R. Magni & G. Isami - forthcoming - Laguna.
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    Dones demoníacos y acumulación de capital. Análisis sociolingüístico de la obra quichua de José Antonio Sosa (1953)Demonic Gifts and Accumulation of Capital. A Sociolinguistic Analysis of José Antonio Sosa´s Quichua Literature.Héctor Andreani - 2021 - Corpus.
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  7. De l'autogestion au socialisme associatif.T. Andréani & M. Fleurbaey - 1993 - Actuel Marx 14.
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    Engels, d'un socialisme à l'autre.Tony Andréani - 2006 - Actuel Marx 40 (2):124-135.
    It was most often Engels who had the task of presenting the future society, by commenting and developing the indications by Marx, and then, after the death of this latter, in making corrections of great importance. The aim of the article is to show that Engels did not defend just one single notion of socialism, but several. Inhis mind they corresponded to different stages in the construction of communism. For the period of transition following the coming to power of the (...)
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    Jalons pour une approche de la presse de la France meridionale a l'epoque revolutionnaire.Roland Andreani - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (4):471-478.
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    a société au risque de l'inconscient.Tony Andréani & Yvon Quiniou - 1994 - Actuel Marx 15 (1):99.
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    La Chine (vue de France), une inconnue? Sur les contradictions, la dialectique, la morale et le Socialisme.Tony Andréani, Rémy Herrera & Zhiming Long - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 24 (1):167-189.
    La thèse défendue dans cet article est que le gouvernement chinois, chapeauté par un Parti qui se revendique encore du communisme, se sert du capitalisme, en le contrôlant strictement, afin d’accélérer le développement, mais sans dévier d’un objectif prioritaire : la construction d’une société socialiste ; et il s’appuie sur le Marx qui pensait que le communisme supposait un haut développement des forces productives. En France, cette thèse est minoritaire, et combattue ; peut-être, paradoxalement, parce que des similitudes existent entre (...)
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    (1 other version)La desesperación imperial de la burguesía provinciana. Apuntes sobre chovinismo historiográfico, lengua nativa y clase en Santiago del Estero (Argentina)The imperial desperation of the provincial bourgeoisie. Notes on historiographical chauvinism, native language and social class in Santiago del Estero.Héctor Andreani - 2016 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 6 (1).
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    La morale et l'éthique au regard du discours politique chinois.Tony Andréani - 2014 - Actuel Marx 55 (1):144.
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    La privatisation des services publics est une privatisation de la démocratie.Tony Andréani - 2003 - Actuel Marx 34 (2):43-62.
    The Privatisation of Public Services : a Privatisation of Democracy ? The article argues that the role of public services goes beyond the provision of « public goods », insofar as they provide « social goods » which form the necessary conditions for the exercise of citizenship, in its political, social and economic dimensions. The article shows that the arguments put forward in support of privatisation are in fact specious, and have been refuted by what has emerged in the wake (...)
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    Les paradoxes de la propriété d'Etat: Critique de la propriété.Tony Andréani - 2001 - Actuel Marx 29 (1):45-59.
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    Questioni etiche nel caregiving: contesto biopolitico e relazione di cura.Monia Andreani - 2016 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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  17. Vers une issue socialiste à la crise du capitalisme.Tony Andréani - 1998 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 60:419-430.
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    Radiographie du commandantisme vénézuélien.Jeudiel Martínez & Fabrice Andréani - 2021 - Multitudes 81 (4):183-189.
    Né du culte militaire et d’un coup d’État raté, le « chavisme » est devenu un phénomène politique. Après avoir survécu au coup d’État de 2002, il a commencé à coloniser l’État dans un processus progressif mais continu dans lequel est apparu un nouveau type de militarisme de gauche que l’on pourrait appeler le « comandantismo ». Ce régime est entré en crise avec la mort de Chavez et la chute des prix du pétrole. Avec Maduro, son successeur, une tentative (...)
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    Sciences sociales.Nicole Lemaître, Pierre-François Moreau, Tony Andréani, C. J., François Laplanche, Jean-Pierre Cléro, Jean-François Baillon & Claude Blanckaert - 1990 - Revue de Synthèse 111 (4):522-535.
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  20. What it is like to see: A sensorimotor theory of perceptual experience.J. Kevin O’Regan - 2001 - Synthese 129 (1):79-103.
    The paper proposes a way of bridging the gapbetween physical processes in the brain and the ''''felt''''aspect of sensory experience. The approach is based onthe idea that experience is not generated by brainprocesses themselves, but rather is constituted by theway these brain processes enable a particular form of''''give-and-take'''' between the perceiver and theenvironment. From this starting-point we are able tocharacterize the phenomenological differences betweenthe different sensory modalities in a more principledway than has been done in the past. We are also (...)
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    Why is belief involuntary?O. Bennett - 1990 - Analysis 50 (2):87-107.
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  22. Picture changes during blinks: Looking without seeing and seeing without looking.J. Kevin O'Regan, H. Deubel, James J. Clark & Ronald A. Rensink - 2000 - Visual Cognition 7:191-211.
    Observers inspected normal, high quality color displays of everyday visual scenes while their eye movements were recorded. A large display change occurred each time an eye blink occurred. Display changes could either involve "Central Interest" or "Marginal Interest" locations, as determined from descriptions obtained from independent judges in a prior pilot experiment. Visual salience, as determined by luminance, color, and position of the Central and Marginal interest changes were equalized. -/- The results obtained were very similar to those obtained in (...)
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  23. Philosophical intervention and cross-disciplinary science: the story of the Toolbox Project.Michael O'Rourke & Stephen J. Crowley - 2013 - Synthese 190 (11):1937-1954.
    In this article we argue that philosophy can facilitate improvement in cross-disciplinary science. In particular, we discuss in detail the Toolbox Project, an effort in applied epistemology that deploys philosophical analysis for the purpose of enhancing collaborative, cross-disciplinary scientific research through improvements in cross-disciplinary communication. We begin by sketching the scientific context within which the Toolbox Project operates, a context that features a growing interest in and commitment to cross-disciplinary research (CDR). We then develop an argument for the leading idea (...)
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  24. On the nature of cross-disciplinary integration: A philosophical framework.Michael O'Rourke, Stephen Crowley & Chad Gonnerman - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 56 (C):62-70.
    Meeting grand challenges requires responses that constructively combine multiple forms of expertise, both academic and non-academic; that is, it requires cross-disciplinary integration. But just what is cross-disciplinary integration? In this paper, we supply a preliminary answer by reviewing prominent accounts of cross-disciplinary integration from two literatures that are rarely brought together: cross-disciplinarity and philosophy of biology. Reflecting on similarities and differences in these accounts, we develop a framework that integrates their insights—integration as a generic combination process the details of which (...)
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  25. Vindicating reason.Onora O'Neill - 1992 - In Paul Guyer, The Cambridge companion to Kant. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 280--308.
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  26. The Precautionary Principle in Contemporary Environmental Politics.Timothy O'Riordan & Andrew Jordan - 1995 - Environmental Values 4 (3):191-212.
    In its restless metamorphosis, the environmental movement captures ideas and transforms them into principles, guidelines and points of leverage. Sustainability is one such idea, now being reinterpreted in the aftermath of the 1992 Rio Conference. So too is the precautionary principle. Like sustainability, the precautionary principle is neither a well defined principle nor a stable concept. It has become the repository for a jumble of adventurous beliefs that challenge the status quo of political power, ideology and civil rights. Neither concept (...)
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    The Jellyfish’s Pleasures: Philebus 20b-21d.Katharine R. O’Reilly - 2019 - Phronesis 64 (3):277-291.
    Scholars have characterised the trial of the life of pleasure in Philebus 20b-21d as digressive or pejorative. I argue that it is neither: it is a thought experiment containing an important argument, in the form of a reductio, of the hypothesis that a life could be most pleasant without cognition. It proceeds in a series of steps, culminating in the precisely chosen image of the jellyfish. Understanding the intended resonance of this creature, and the sense in which it is deprived, (...)
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  28. The Convergence of Virtual Reality and Social Networks: Threats to Privacy and Autonomy.Fiachra O’Brolcháin, Tim Jacquemard, David Monaghan, Noel O’Connor, Peter Novitzky & Bert Gordijn - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (1):1-29.
    The rapid evolution of information, communication and entertainment technologies will transform the lives of citizens and ultimately transform society. This paper focuses on ethical issues associated with the likely convergence of virtual realities and social networks, hereafter VRSNs. We examine a scenario in which a significant segment of the world’s population has a presence in a VRSN. Given the pace of technological development and the popularity of these new forms of social interaction, this scenario is plausible. However, it brings with (...)
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    Consciousness explained.Joseph O'Rourke - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 60 (2):303-312.
  30. Mental logic and irrationality: We can put a man on the moon, so why can't we solve those logical reasoning problems.D. P. O'Brien - 1993 - In K. I. Manktelow & D. E. Over, Rationality: psychological and philosophical perspectives. New York: Routledge. pp. 110--135.
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    Skill, corporality and alerting capacity in an account of sensory consciousness.J. Kevin O'Regan, Erik Myin & Alva Noë - 2005 - In Steven Laureys, The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology. Elsevier.
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    Consciousness.Brian O'Shaughnessy - 1986 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 10 (1):49-62.
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    Ethical and moral considerations of (patient) centredness in nursing and healthcare: Navigating uncharted waters.Deanne J. O'Rourke, Genevieve N. Thompson & Diana E. McMillan - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (3):e12284.
    This discussion paper aims to explore potential ethical and moral implications of (patient) centredness in nursing and healthcare. Healthcare is experiencing a philosophical shift from a perspective where the health professional is positioned as the expert to one that re‐centres care and service provision central to the needs and desires of the persons served. This centred approach to healthcare delivery has gained a moral authority as the right thing to do. However, little attention has been given to its moral and (...)
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  34. Leaping Ahead of Heidegger: Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity in Being and Time.Mahon O’Brien - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 22 (4):534-551.
    Heidegger’s accounts of Dasein’s dual nature as both individual and social in Being and Time have been a longstanding source of confusion and controversy in the literature. Many critics have been keen to identify contradictions between Heidegger’s positive account of the social nature of everyday Dasein and the putatively solipsistic account of authentic Dasein which comes later. This paper focuses on Heidegger’s brief attempts to sketch the outlines for the notion of something like authentic intersubjectivity. In doing so we will (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Le Système d'Aristote.O. Hamelin - 1920 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 27 (4):1-2.
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    Approaches to Lucretius: Traditions and Innovations in Reading the de Rerum Natura.Donncha O'Rourke (ed.) - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Both in antiquity and ever since the Renaissance Lucretius' De Rerum Natura has been admired – and condemned – for its startling poetry, its evangelical faith in materialist causation, and its seductive advocacy of the Epicurean good life. Approaches to Lucretius assembles an international team of classicists and philosophers to take stock of a range of critical approaches to which this influential poem has given rise and which in turn have shaped its interpretation, including textual criticism, the text's strategies for (...)
  37. The Incarnation: the critical issues.Gerald O'Collins - 2002 - In Stephen T. Davis, Daniel Kendall & Gerald O'Collins, The Incarnation. Oxford Up. pp. 1--27.
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    Combining time-frequency and spatial information for the detection of sleep spindles.Christian O'Reilly, Jonathan Godbout, Julie Carrier & Jean-Marc Lina - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Delay Coordinate Embedding as Neuronally Implemented Information Processing: The State Space Theory of Consciousness.Vikas N. O'Reilly-Shah - 2025 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 32 (1):127-159.
    This paper introduces the state space theory of consciousness, positing that the cortex processes information through delay coordinate embedding operationalized by recurrent neural network engines. This leverages the power of Takens' theorem, giving rise to representations of reality as points within state space. Consciousness is posited to arise at the highest order engines amongst hierarchical and parallel engine pathways. Consciousness is cast as a dynamic process rather than as a neuronal state, reconciling dualist intuitions with a monist perspective. Neuronal representations (...)
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    Cicero Reading the Cyrenaics on the Anticipation of Future Harms.Katharine R. O'Reilly - 2019 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (2):431-443.
    A common reading of the Cyrenaics is that they are a school of extreme hedonist presentists, recognising only the pleasure of the present moment, and advising against turning our attention to past or future pleasure or pain. Yet they have some strange advice which tells followers to anticipate future harms in order to lessen the unexpectedness of them when they occur. It’s a puzzle, then, how they can consistently hold the attitude they do to our concern with our present selves, (...)
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    Lotze's influence on the psychology of William James.O. F. Kraushaar - 1936 - Psychological Review 43 (3):235-257.
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  42. Three forms of binding and their neural substrates: Alternatives to temporal synchrony.R. C. O'Reilly, R. Busby & R. Soto - 2003 - In Axel Cleeremans, The Unity of Consciousness: Binding, Integration, and Dissociation. Oxford University Press. pp. 168--192.
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    Semantics and the Dual‐Aspect use of Definite Descriptions.Michael O’Rourke - 1998 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 79 (3):264–288.
    Many philosophers of language have held that a truth‐conditional semantic account can explain the data motivating the distinction between referential and attributive uses of definite descriptions, but I believe this is a mistake. I argue that these data also motivate what I call “dual‐aspect” uses as a distinct but closely related type. After establishing that an account of the distinction must also explain dual‐aspect uses, I argue that the truth‐conditional Semantic Model of the distinction cannot. Thus, the Semantic Model cannot (...)
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    The design inference : Old wine in new wineskins.Robert O'Connor - 2003 - In Neil A. Manson, God and design: the teleological argument and modern science. New York: Routledge. pp. 80--66.
  45. Power, authority and legitimacy: a critique of postmodern thought.N. O'Sullivan - 2000 - In Noël O'Sullivan, Political theory in transition. New York: Routledge.
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    Individual Differences and Hemispheric Asymmetries for Language and Spatial Attention.Louise O’Regan & Deborah J. Serrien - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Heidegger on Expression: Formal Indication and Destruction in the Early Freiburg Lectures.Jonathan O’Rourke - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 49 (2):109-125.
    Of all the methodological terms used by Heidegger in the early Freiburg period, few have attracted less consensus than Formal Indication. With its relation to the earliest lecture series, critical debate has tended to focus on the extent to which this concept defines the difference between Husserlian and Heideggerian phenomenology. The argument of this paper is that Formal Indication is best understood in its relation to Heidegger’s other key methodological term from this period, Phenomenological Destruction. Not only do both concepts (...)
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  48. The Afterlives of Queer Theory.Michael O'Rourke - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):102-116.
    What might queer theory look like if we were to consider it as a hybrid, viral, shapeshifting, post-continental philosophy with cosmopolitical world-making aspirations?
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  49. What Is Future and Why It’s Up to Us.Tim O’Reilly - 2017
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  50. (1 other version)Generosity And Mechanism In Descartes's Passions.Emer O'hagan - 2005 - Minerva 9:236-260.
    Descartes’s mechanistic account of the passions is sometimes dismissed as one which lacks the resources toadequately explain the cognitive aspect of emotion. By some, he is taken to be “feeling theorist”, reducing thepassions to a mere awareness of the physiological state of the soul-body union. If this reading of Descartes’spassions is correct, his theory fails not only because it cannot account for the intentional nature of the passions,but also because the passions cannot play the role in Descartes’s moral theory they (...)
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